The Role of Read-Alouds in Biliteracy Development

The Role of Read-Alouds in Biliteracy Development

The Role of Read-Alouds in Biliteracy Development

Read-alouds are a powerful tool for promoting biliteracy in young children. Listening to stories read aloud in both their native and target languages helps children develop listening skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. Read-alouds also provide an engaging and enjoyable way for children to experience language and literature.

A study by Mol et al. (2008) highlights the benefits of read-alouds for language development, showing that children who are regularly read to have better language skills and literacy outcomes. When children listen to stories in multiple languages, they gain exposure to different sounds, rhythms, and structures of each language, enhancing their overall language proficiency.

Read in 2 Languages offers a wide range of bilingual books with read-aloud options, allowing children to hear stories in both languages. This immersive experience supports language development and helps children build strong biliteracy skills. Parents and teachers can use read-alouds to create a supportive and interactive reading environment, fostering a love for reading and learning in two languages.


- Mol, S. E., Bus, A. G., de Jong, M. T., & Smeets, D. J. H. (2008). Added value of dialogic parent–child book readings: A meta-analysis. Early Education and Development, 19(1), 7-26.

Posted 6 months ago by Admin


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